Logos & Text

Illustrated text reading "Wit, WInd & Whimsy: Art on the Waterfront". The text is framed by a starfish, a bird and a kite.

Grey striped illustrated text reading: Gneiss Guys Metamorphose Last

cover for a tabletop roleplaying game. There's green smoke billowing out into the night in the middle of a city. A dark silhouette of a superhero faces a group of silhouettes of villains. Text reads: "Together We'll Be Unstoppable. A Supervillain RPG by Zoe Maxine, playtest edition."

A grey illustration with red outlines of seven birds: two crows, one lovebird, one chickadee, one owl, one hawk, one ibis. They circle text that reads "I saw seven birds".

A celtic inspired illustration of a crow on a ball of yarn surrounded by braided yarn.

a light blue background with cartoon bees encircling a heart shape. In the heart are the words "Bee My Honey xoxo"